About Debbie Mayer

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So far Debbie Mayer has created 31 blog entries.

December Perspective | Advent Hope


Overwhelmed, I stare at the bare Christmas tree and the boxes on the floor. These boxes contain Christmas tree bulbs that my kids made with the words love, joy, and peace, along with, “what can

December Perspective | Advent Hope2021-11-05T11:52:43-07:00

November Perspective | Waves of Grief


So, you've walked out your grief journey as diligently and thoroughly as you possibly can. You've done the "grief" work. You've followed the instructions your grief group provided, along with the many

November Perspective | Waves of Grief2021-11-05T12:09:21-07:00

August Perspective | God-Given Dignity


The Merriam-Webster definition of dignity is: "The quality or state of being worthy, honored, or esteemed." Every human being is fashioned in the image and likeness of God and has intrinsic worth and value as a person.

August Perspective | God-Given Dignity2021-11-10T11:48:11-07:00
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